First the sentence "In the course of the game, Players will encircle the board several times" is moved to after the second paragraph. This second set of rules is identical to the first on page one, but on page two the changes begin. These rules can be found in some very late Patent Pending games and some Patent 1,509,312 games. Also included is a sepparate sheet with short game rules. Other changes include the addition of "In the course of the game, Players will encircle the board several times"after the 4th line on page two, "FULL PURCHASE PRICE" is changed to "FULL PRICE" under MORTGAGES on page 4, and "immediately" is removed in the To Make a Shorter Game section.

There's also indication that there's more money in the game as Patent Pending rules indicate that there's $9000 in the game and Single Patent rules indicate at least $10,500. The biggest change I see is in the distribution of the money at the beginning of the game: one 500, six 100s, four 50s, three 20s, ten 10s, seven 5s, and five 1s. The next set of rules was produced after the Landlords Game patent was obtained (Patent 1,509,312). Also mentioned in these rules is prices for properties being on the board. These rules also offer rules for a shorter game for the first time. This is also evidence that his was an extremely short run. This is significant as TITLE DEED was used in the 1924 Landlords Game patent and shows that when these rules were prepared that the purchase of the patent had been made or was imminent. The rules are similar to the Trade Mark rules but do show the first use of TITLE DEED. This new set of rules had a picture of the game at the top and was a bi-fold, four page set of rules. Later Patent Pending sets contained a completely revamped set of rules. I have two versions of these rules, one with hypens on page two when words are broken at the end of a line, and one without the hyphens. I believe these rules changes were made as a result of questions and input from consumers.

This is also the first set of rules to state that tokens are included in the game. These rules use a lot of bold print to draw attention to important aspects of the game. Wordier still, the third set of Trade Mark rules was used in many Patent Pending sets. The biggest change seems to be that mortgaged properties can now be traded. This set is very similar to the first with a few more clarifications. The second set of Trade Mark rules was used in later Trade Mark sets and Early Patent Pending Sets. These rules are found in some hybrid sets and in early Trade Mark sets. This created a wordier set of rules, but they are easier to follow. This turned out to be a rewrite of Darrow's rules with some changes in an attempt to make them more clear. When Parker Brothers bought the rights to Monopoly one of the first things they did was rewrite the rules.