Access to live-streaming features is Lucra is a new live streaming platform where creators can sell tickets to exclusive live-streamed events. Configure your hotkey settings for replay capture, and be sure to use your hotkey to capture replays during your stream. 💡 Before going live from your mobile phone, you will need to add a stream title and category. By default, this is set to “Very Fast”, which provides the best balance between performance and quality. Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Streamloots packs (if Cards module is enabled) Streamloots subscriptions (if Subscriptions module is enabled) The time to be added per action is fully customizable. I set up a test stream and it was about 10 minutes long, but the audio keeps looping upon itself (not even an echo, an actual loop) to the point where you can't even understand what I'm saying. This isn't something OBS can fix or affect. Hope you enjoyed, like and subscribe if you did. How to Set up Charity Stream Alerts in OBS. When you’re finished, return to the Streamlabs app and select ‘Facebook’ from the login screen. if this video helped pls like and subscribe. Another way to keep your streams interesting while minimizing the amount of work on your part is to collaborate with another streamer. Turn on Audio Monitoring for Mic/Aux and Audio Input Capture (If you have that). 2x 1440p monitors My Streamlabs OBS barely maintains 30FPS of recording/stream for some reason and it works worse with NVENC, then with x264. Step 4: Copy the Widget URL Upgrade your Twitch, Kick or YouTube stream with customizable overlays, powerful alerts widgets. Open Streamlabs Desktop and add a new Scene. Create all the emotes you'd like then download them all at once for free. Whether you’re just getting started with streaming or already a Twitch partner, protect your account today by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). Turn your VODs into must-see TikToks, Reels & Shorts. YouTube recommends a video bitrate range between 13,000–34,000 Kbps to stream in 4K at 30fps.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get streamlabs or something else to read out the comments but only to me. It’s as simple as just clicking on the switch.

To stop the stream, just click on End Stream in both Kick and Streamlabs. But streamlabs makes me multistream on twitch, youtube, etc.